Webinar | Coping with Global Energy Crisis – the Critical Role of Green Hydrogen to Increase Energy Security, Resilience, and Independence

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine drastically upended a largely stable postwar peace in Europe, and resulted in extensive economic sanctions on Russian energy. As a result, European consumers and businesses are experiencing surging energy prices as policymakers and industry scramble to identify new energy sources and decrease their reliance on Russian energy. Outlying regions, including North America, have not been immune from these price shocks as globally traded energy products enter a new commercial regime.

This webinar provides a platform to discuss and analyze the potential for green hydrogen (GH2) to rapidly displace fossil fuel use in industrialized economies, supported by the global decarbonization imperative and accelerated by skyrocketing prices for fossil fuels and energy security vulnerabilities. The varied use cases for GH2 to drive multi-sectoral decarbonization will also inform this segment.

This webinar asks the following:

  • Is the stage now set for major economies to embrace GH2 as a pathway to strengthened energy security?

  • What policy, regulatory, and commercial alignment on GH2’s value proposition is needed for GH2 to truly meet the moment and accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels to a decarbonized energy future? 

  • How do you scale production and demand quickly enough to meet energy security needs in the short term? What players are required to make this happen? 


  • Dr. Florian Knobloch, Policy Advisor for Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, and Fellow at University of Cambridge's Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance

  • Thierry Lepercq, Founder & President for HyDeal Ambition, and Founder for Soladvent

  • Janice Lin, Founder and President for Green Hydrogen Coalition (Moderator)